Tenemos nuevo personaje para ayudar a nuestros campeones: un detective social que les va a mostrar errores sociales que podemos cometer en nuestro día a día.
tarjeta de Claudia Perrotti |
El dibujo del detective social es una creación de Jonatan Bastida, papá de un campéon. Los materiales en esta ocasión los hemos preparado con Lorena Boschetti, Nuria Mar y María Román. Va a haber varias series en las que el detective social descrubirá errores… y comenzamos con los errores sociales en conversación.
Antes de que os descarguéis el material, os comento que con Erik he dado un paso más: no solo descubre el error social, sino que además le asigna quién lo ha producido de los diferentes enermigos de Flexi (Cegador, Invasor, Marimandona…. que podéis encontrar AQUÍ):
(No os preocupéis porque tras las vacaciones subiré de forma detallada uno a uno a los secuaces amigos de Kokorroka cómo los estoy trabajando con Erik)
Y aquí lo puedes visualizar (ya no descargar, que SlideShare quiere cobrar por el material que yo subí gratuito, ni a mí misma me deja descargarlo)
Quickbooks software permits clients to effectively deal with their monetary information in the Quickbooks organization documents. These organization records can store all the significant information and archives of your organization. Subsequently, it is important to backup your Quickbooks Company record consistently to stay away from any sort of information misfortune. Alongside this Quickbooks offers numerous superior highlights that can help clients in better administration of the business. Be that as it may, there are cases where you may experience quickbooks error 6000 77. this mistake for the most part happens when you attempt to get to the Quickbooks Company document. Thus, to get to the Quickbooks programming easily, you are needed to investigate this error as fast as could really be expected.
At some point everyday life, you may have wanted for a bound together hypothesis that can assist you with keeping a decent FICO assessment, get a wide range of advances endorsed, and manage your home loans. A magical theory, that you can simply handle and "Tadaaaa" this load of banks and business-related stuff is sorted out. Sounds unrealistic? Indeed, not any longer. There are Four simple essential rules that you can simply learn and follow. Indeed! what are the four c's of credit
When initializing QuickBooks Desktop license properties, errors may occur for a variety of reasons, and each reason triggers a different error code. Here is a list of all the Quickbooks error 3371 that you may encounter when attempting to activate QuickBooks.
If the problem persists, disable the extension and update the browser as well. It could have happened as a result of a problem with QuickBooks files. As a result, make sure to find the most recent release and update QuickBooks won't open After you've finished, look into the problem.